Bebo: Cursed or Gifted?
Well, the internet has thrown us some treats in its time, but Bebo seems to be the most popular at the minute. Especially in GWC. So, let's talk about it?
You've got your profile, which you can let people know more about you, such as your "scared of spiders" "happiest when sacrificing chickens" or "Enjoying the futile please of the innocent". But sometimes, I wonder how people can even spell Bebo in the browser. One example I just read (or tried to read) came from (what I'm assuming is) a girl's page. Rather than write it out in full, graphic, descriptive glory, I shall post a link here: Please note, the very top of the page, the first section where she's telling us about herself. Or, as she tells us "WeL wAt 2 sAe aBwT mY sElF LoLz!" Let's try and decipher this cryptic message:
WeL- obviously referring to a village well project in Africa
wAt 2 sAe- this must be, if you want to help, send a self addressed envelope
aBwT- and Bring white Towels
mY sElF- this must mean, make sure You sustain the Environment with lavender Fragrances.
The LoLz, bit is self explanatory, the girl would like a lolly for her troubles.
I tire of examining her profile in detail, and you will too shortly, but examine the true majesty and Magnificence of the misspelt marvel. Thank you TaZ!
Now, she recently harassed BigStewd for leaving a provocative comment on Nikhil's page, so naturally, she returned the favour, her comment to BigStewd ran thus:"hahahah LMAO EWWW tri hrd i sw wat u wrte on tht nik guys page and if he went 2 wher u live then u definitly wudnt be the 1 smashing him if he was 2 b smashed ! Ur scrawney,ugly ass probli cudnt evn throw a punch at him! haha shame god stp tlking urslf up dik! Fuk face!"
This is StewD->
Firstly, the poor girl can't spell Lama, then she seems to lose track of where her vowels are meant to go in words. Now, in text messages I can understand when you're writing a long message you need abbreviations to get your message across without wasting too much money, but why here?? Apart from spelling and grammatical errors (of which I'm sure you'll agree are numerous), the poor girl doesn't even know what she's saying. She seems to believe that BigStewd is some sort of God. "haha shame god, stop talking yourself up dik" now I hate to tell her that, whilst BigStewd is a lovemachine, he isn't God.
This would be funny if she was one of the minority, but unfortunately not. An increasing number of young people are gaining access to the internet and somehow losing the ability to punctuate/spell/write coherent sentences, with another prime example being my younger female cousins. I ask, why do you have to replace the word "the" with "da" that is Russian for yes my young friends. Lama is spelt so, not Lmao- close, but no cigar. And if you're going to swear? please do so using correct spelling and imaginative turns of phrase, something like "shut up you worm-ridden piece of badger farting filth" I'm sure the use of misspelt expletives is "cool", but really, what is the point? It doesn't get the message across any clearer.
Then there's the Poll (as in opinion, not the type for dancing around or that firemen use) which people always fill with something that pertains to their individual interests. Let's look at TaZ again for inspiration....
"Huz de hottest guy lolz" WHY CAN'T YOU SPELL!?!
"Who's the hottest guy" would suffice, why have you got the Lolz, and why a z?! why not use an S?!
This world is going to pot, and you know why? it's because of little idiots who sit on the computer all day, not learning ANYTHING! And then you wonder why children are becoming more unruly? Because they can avoid learning, the very thing that children from years have been trying to do: Dennis the Menace, Beryl the Peril and Richie Rich, yes, even he did. Why can't there at least be a basic spell-checker to correct posts that are so lacking in vowels that they look like russian. (or klingon, but I don't know if I want it to be that much of a nerd reference?)
Ok, so you've got your profile, your comments and your poll. There's also a blog section which hardly anybody uses. The most common use of the Blog on Bebo is to say "hey, writing in my blog, and dunno wotz 2 wrte so if uze hve Ne ideAs gimme a hollA" or something like that. A Blog is not a means of 2 way communication. Thats what comments/emails are for, but I'll get to them later.
After Blog, comes the Quiz. Good god the quiz. This is 9 times out of 10, a quiz concerning the takers' knowledge of the person writing the quiz. and 9 times out of 10, the takers suck.
So there you have it, the whirling pit of despair that is Bebo.
Though it is useful for keeping in touch because more often than not your friends are not on Messenger at the same time, but bebo allows quick communication. In short, if you aint on Bebo... you don't exist.